
Hi There, we are

Landscape & Architecture Studio

We specialise in Biophilic Design Architecture

Biophilic design – connecting the built environment and nature to improve people’s wellbeing and health. It is achived by increasing occupant connectivity to the natural environment through the use of direct nature and its elements such as plants, water, sunlight etc.

We are experience-based practice that aim to provide design services to clients and solve unique and challenging problems. By relying on our past experience and expertise, we can take on more complex project types. We design custom solutions based on the specific needs of our clients, responding to site context and budget, and the technical requirements of the building’s program.

We developed a strong reputation as being able to successfully deliver significant, complex, and unique projects. We have the capacity to go after a variety of projects beyond our core focus.

Over the years we have designed and delivered schemes that we are proud of. Many of them has been successfully implemented, other recognised and award-winning. We will always aim high and go a step further to deliver a scheme that not only functions to a high standard, but also surprises, inspires and really makes a positive influence into our world.

The big art of design is to make complicated things simple.

Our philosophy… connection, beauty, well-being, non-conformism, radical sensitivity and respect for human and nature. Our main interest is connection. On many levels. How we can connect to nature and to cities we live in. How then this connection shapes us, and how we can shape the spaces around us. How a successful scheme can help people connect in the 21st century world.